Monday, March 4, 2019

What is Love??

Arish blogs: Ishq-e-Majazi
Is love necessary or not??  Love it can be of many types. The one who you love you always enjoy his/her company. You have no interest in anything except to join his/her company. Like once someone asks Albert Einstein to define a special theory of relativity, he says that if you sit on hot warmer for just one second and stand up he will realize that a century had been passed. Same is the case in love if you sit with your love and start talking with each other such that the whole day has been ended and you realize that it’s a moment ago just we sit together.
        Love can be one-sided love. In this case, you love him/her, you take care of him/her, you made thing easy for him/her and you think that the opposite party has the same feeling as you, but it is not always the case. A story told by Qasim Ali Shah that once one of his friends falls in love with a beautiful lady and it’s one-sided love. He says that he was not able to propose her. One day it was raining Shah and his friend pushed him to go and talk to her. He has such weak in that he got her and says her that: ‘Sister I love you’ and she replied: ‘Thank You, Brother’. This also happens in love. Love is not necessary to complete its destination. If love destination is completed it results in marriage and the rest you know better than me. 

       So, love is the thing you cannot get by force. It is the thing which happens automatically. When you fall in love with someone, any people other than him/her don’t look attractive or beautiful to you. I share my personal experience that once you live with someone for a long time, you start falling in love with him/her. No matter who he/she look like you start loving or I can say that liking him/her.


  1. Yes it is somehow true, that having someone's company for long, makes us feel thay we are in love with him/her, but not for so long . Having company with different peoples can also cause love by this definition, as of your experience and opinion its correct, but in my views its not always love to spend time with some pereon and fall in love, its just feeling and emotion that share with that person and we start liking that person, we like some good deed of that person, and start liking her, we all have some good deeds that attract others, but the love is only with person to whom we are married or going to get married. So conclusion is to share good deeds with others and respect others, as said: Give respect and take respect,..


What is Love??

Arish blogs: Ishq-e-Majazi Is love necessary or not??  Love it can be of many types. The one who you love you always enjoy his/her comp...